Yesterday, Jonathan and Lisa spent a lovely morning with the Royal Free Charity, the NHS charity partner of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust ✨️

It was fascinating to hear how grants from the Pink Ribbon Foundation are supporting their complementary therapists' work in close collaboration with the Royal Free
Hospital oncology department, to offer specialist scar tissue therapy to patients who have recently had mastectomies.  It's transformative services for patients, aid both their physical and emotional recoveries from what can be a very traumatic procedure.

The complementary therapy team offers massage therapy (clinical massage, scar tissue therapy, and acupuncture), supporting the healing process by
reducing stress, anxiety, and pain, and helping people to cope better with illnesses. The service is also available to NHS staff, supporting them to manage their challenging roles.

Over the last year, more than 9,000 patients benefited from massage therapy (1,000 of these were people going through cancer treatment), with 99.8% reporting improvements in their emotional and/or physical wellbeing.

In 2024, they became the first NHS trust to offer in-house eyebrow microblading for people who have lost their hair due to their cancer treatment.

The Pink Ribbon Foundation is delighted to support this amazing charity, which is doing wonderful things within their community. Thank you, Sarah and team, for taking the time to show us around and introducing us to some lovely patients 🩷

#pinkribbonfoundation #RoyalFreeCharity #grant #ComplementaryTherapy #cancertherapy #cancer #breastcancerwawareness #breastcancer #hospital #NHS