About Us

About The Pink Ribbon Foundation

About The Pink Ribbon Foundation

The Pink Ribbon Foundation is a grant making trust with a mission to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, have been affected by breast cancer, or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer and its early detection and treatment.

There are a large number of such charities in the UK, each as deserving as the next. Many of the charities supported are the smaller ones, which operate on a shoestring.

The Pink Ribbon Foundation has very little infrastructure.

It relies on the hard work given by Trustees, interested parties and its Patrons. This is done in order to maximise the amount, which goes to the charities that benefit from the funds raised.


Yearly Breast Cancer Cases


Yearly Deaths


Men Diagnosed Each Year


UK Charities we've helped

Every year the Foundation invites charities in the UK to apply for a grant in order to help them continue their vital work or to fund one off projects.

Some of the many charities who have benefitted from a grant from the Foundation include:

  • The Haven
  • Cancerkin
  • Action Against Breast Cancer
  • Farleigh Hospice
  • The Primrose Centre
  • Cancer Research UK
  • Macmillan Cancer Support
  • Helen Rollason Cancer Charity

An example of some of the 300+ charities who have received grants, can be found on the Who We’ve Helped page

For many of these smaller charities, a grant from the Pink Ribbon Foundation can make a huge difference. It can provide a highly skilled programme of care, complimentary therapies, counselling for patients and their families, up-date communication materials, awareness programmes, lymphedema care, therapy sessions, specialist equipment extra nurses to care for breast cancer patients, vital research into this terrible disease and much more.

With finances getting tighter and charities struggling to cope with demand, there is always a huge pressure on the Foundation’s resources. Quite simply, the Pink Ribbon Foundation want to support as many individuals and charities as possible. We can only continue to do this with your help.

Why not fundraise for us?

Why not fundraise for us?

There are countless opportunities for individuals, groups, clubs, schools, universities and businesses to raise awareness and funds to support our vital work - and we'd love to have you involved!