Opening up your wardrobe, should be like arriving at a really good party, where everyone you see is someone that you really like 🩷

You can cut down your wardrobe by 25% by asking one question: "If I were shopping right this second, would I buy this?" If the answer is "no", then it needs to go!

If you have unwanted items in your wardrobe - donate them to the Pink Ribbon Foundation and raise money to support those affected by breast cancer 🎀

We work with Worn By Us which was set up by Nicola Gleave following her own breast cancer diagnosis. Worn By Us resells unwanted fashion items donated by retailers, fashion brands and individuals and donates a percentage of the money raised to the Pink Ribbon Foundation. We've been working successfully with Worn By Us for many years and now we're reaching out to YOU. If you have any unwanted clothing, shoes or accessories we would love you to get in touch.

Step 1: Send an email to [email protected] and tell them how many items you would like to donate.

Step 2: They will send you the relevant packaging for you to fill with your items.

Step 3: When you are ready to send your items, you simply use the Collect+ service at no cost to you.

Step 4: When your items are received, they will be sorted, photographed and listed for sale.

Step 5: You will be contacted after 3 months of your items being listed for sale to provide an update of sales achieved. You will receive 50% of the sale price received for each item sold, which you can donate in full or part to the Pink Ribbon Foundation.

More information at

#WornByUs #pinkribbonfoundation #fundraising #recycledclothes #reuse