The Pink Ribbon Foundation is extremely grateful to Big Yellow Self Storage, Bromley who continue to help with the storing of the charity’s items free of charge 💛

Storage can be a huge cost for any charity, especially in the current economic climate, and having a conveniently located storage facility available at no cost is a massive boost to the Foundation. The money saved in storage fees is now able to help those affected by breast cancer 🎀

Big Yellow Self Storage is the UK’s favourite self storage company. They provide secure and modern self storage units for homes and businesses nationwide. Founded in 1998 with the very first store in Richmond upon Thames, they now operate from a platform of 109 storage facilities, including 23 branded as Armadillo Self Storage. Big Yellow employs over 450 people and is listed on the FTSE 250 London Stock Exchange. They have also been listed in the Sunday Times Top 100 Companies to work for in 2019.

If you have personal or business storage needs, we highly recommend you get in touch with your local branch:

#bigyellow #bigyellowstorage #charitypartner #TeamPRF #pinkribbonfoundation #storage #Bromley #charity #breastcancerwawareness