Coming together is the beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success ✨️

A great day spent with the milk_shake hair uk team at their annual conference held at Edgbaston Park Hotel in Birmingham. It was a pleasure to meet Grant, Jane, Jodi and the milk_shake family and let them know more about the Pink Ribbon Foundation and how their vital donations support those affected by breast cancer 🎀 I even got a sneak peak at this year's new Pink Ribbon products and you're going to love them 🩷

Travelled there and back the same day in comfort with Avanti West Coast and worked on board - the sunset on the way back was beautiful 🌄

Thank you milk_shake hair for your continued support and here's to 2025 🙌

#milkshakehairuk #pinkribbonfoundation #charity #haircare #milkshakehairofficial #pinkribbon #TeamPRF #25in2025 #BCAM2025 #breastcancerwawareness