01689 858877

Joined 6 months ago


Total Raised So Far

  • Paula's Total Fundraising Target Progress

Paula's Fundraising Pages
Paula's Inca Trial Trek
  • £655 Raised of Target (£500)

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Recent Supporters

£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Well done Paula x
Donated to Paula Barker
Paula's Inca Trial Trek
£50 + £12.50 Gift Aid
Donated to Paula Barker
Paula's Inca Trial Trek
Shannon Evans
£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid
Looks amazing, and a cause very close to my heart. xxx
Donated to Paula Barker
Paula's Inca Trial Trek
Lee & Emma
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Well done Paula and the rest of the team
Donated to Paula Barker
Paula's Inca Trial Trek
Julie Kerley
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Amazing Paula ! Well done you xxx
Donated to Paula Barker
Paula's Inca Trial Trek